
Hey! Welcome to Escape with Esme. I’ll be your host…Esme! I write about travel, with a focus on culture, eating gluten free and budgeting.

My passion for new adventures partnered with my love for writing is what drove me to start up my own travel blog.

About Explore with Esme
I usually have a g&t in hand!

Where did it all start?

I’m extremely lucky to have spent my whole life travelling the world from a young age, getting on a plane for the first time at the age of 9 months!

I was born in Dubai where I lived for about two years, before my family moved to Cape Town, South Africa for another two years. We then moved to Bath in South West England, where my parents still are.

At the age of 18, I moved to Brighton to go to the University of Sussex for a BA in Media and Communications. Here I wrote for a student paper where I really developed my writing.

After graduating, I stayed for another two years as I’d completely fallen in love with the sea – I blame my star sign (I’m a cancer). I spent a year in hospitality, and then a year in marketing where I created content, worked as a copywriter and learnt a lot of very fun skills.

My gluten free experience

Since becoming gluten free, eating abroad has become difficult and I often find a lot of planning is needed. So I thought, why not create a place where both exist in harmony? Which is exactly what I want to provide, as well as providing a bit of insight and fun within my posts.

So where am I travelling now?

In February 2023, I moved back home with my parents for a couple of weeks before jumping on a one way ticket to Bangkok in March! I’m now backpacking around South East Asia with three wonderful friends, living my absolute best life.

I really hope you both enjoy and find my writing interesting. If you have any comments or questions, or just fancy a chat, please do get in touch!